Womb Talk: Sacred Women Connect
What is Womb Talk?
Hey Goddess! Welcome to Womb Talk, an open discussion thread rooted in self-expression, truth, healing, and holistic health remedies. Here, we can be our authentic selves, communicate openly and anonymously with one another, seek advice, and share different perspectives, experiences, and sacred teachings that have guided us on our spiritual paths.
It takes a village!
You don't have to navigate your healing journey alone. We understand that healing can often feel isolating, which is why Womb Talk: Sacred Women Connect was created—a communal gathering designed to foster a supportive community.
This space offers a safe environment for women to come together and embrace feminine energy in unity. We believe in the power of collective strength, as it truly takes a village to heal and thrive.
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I just recently picked up , packed up my car with my baby and dog and left the person I considered at one time to be the love of my life. I moved to ca from nc drive 37 hours I had to break away from that place I considered to be love it hurt me more to be with him although it hurts to have to break away. My 27th birthday is on Friday and this time more than ever I’m having to dig deep and find more meaningful connections for myself to get back in balance. It was very liberating to leave but it also eats me up inside to know I failed at some point in the mission ( having a kid out of wedlock and having to be a single parent. ) but life still has to go on. I’m in a state where I know no one but myself in the Higher Power, greatness has to come from this opportunity.
I just came to rant because I literally have no one to talk to and I just want to release.
My Fiancé cheated on me and it really is heartbreaking. We were together for 4 years and I never thought he’d do that to me. Not only did he cheat, he had been cheating throughout the years. I recently found out from a therapy session he invited me too that he had been clinically diagnosed with sex addition and this is why he had cheated throughout the years. He has been regularly getting counseling for his addiction and has been doing good these past 6 months. He says it’s because he’s never loved anyone more than me and he wants to get help so we can build the family we were so close to building. (Remember we’re engaged)
I know there are many types of addicts, so I don’t want to diminish his addiction especially because he’s been clinically diagnosed.. and he IS a good man outside of it all plus he’s made the effort to change and is getting real help. What do you ladies think? Should I take him back?
Vent session
I’m trying to figure out what to do with my life. It’s like I’m in this limbo stage or like a transition phase where I’m not who I use to be but I’m not who I want to be either. And I’m not surrounded by people who relate to me. I know that this is apart of growth but it’s hard. But I won’t loose faith.
@hannahbanana do a yoni steam 🌺 Red raspberry, wormwood, rose, mugwort are pretty good herbs for releasing old soul ties. Idk if you follow moon cycles but do it for a full moon🌕. Full moons are for releasing.